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- TIm Thomas

I Don't Have Time

The truth of “I Don't Have Time”

Does life sometimes seem too loud? Like, does it ever just feel like you have so much going on, and allow busyness to rule our life? As people in the western world and America, it is built into us that we must always be busy, always working, have a full schedule, which are not bad things, yet because of this we sometimes get lost in the busyness of life, and we never take time to silence what's going on around to spend time still in God's presence. 

Even as Christians we have this trendy to allow the busyness of the week to overtake and we rarely take the necessary time to slow down to spend intimate time with the Lord. 

“ I don't have time to pray”, “ I don't have time to read the word:, “I don't have time to sit in silence in the Lord’s presence” are statements I hear from Christians, and if I am being honest I am guilty of making these statements myself. When we say statements like “ I Don't have time” what we are really saying is.. “This is not important to me, or this is not a priority”. 

Jesus, during his ministry, was traveling from town to town, healing, preaching, teaching, leading the disciples and yet he made it a priority to spend alone time with God, in prayer and intimacy. Even though he had all that going on, he still took time to withdraw from the busyness of his life, to be alone in God’s presence because it was a priority for him to spend time with God.

Key Scripture: Luke 5:16 

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

If our Lord and Savior intentionally took time to be with God why don't we? I challenge myself and you to intentionally take a step away from the busyness of life and spend intimate time with God this week , like Jesus did.

Find a quiet place and pray through these: A.C.T.S


God there is nowhere like your presence

Where your presence is, peace is

Your presence gives me rest and refugee


Confessing sin, and where we fall short

God I confess that at times I do not make you my priority

I confess that I do not make time for you like I should


Thank you God for the privilege of allowing us to have an intimate relationship with you.

Thank you God that your presence and your bring us peace.

Thank you God for your word, and the ability to speak to you in prayer.


God I ask that you change my heart to make you more of a priority in my life.

I ask for peace as I spend time in your presence.

But I also ask Lord that through spending time with you, I would get to know you more.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN